Just a simple little blog about the events preceeding my beauty competition.
Never Miss America
Published on May 19, 2005 By never-miss-america In Welcome
I am Never-Miss-America… Well, my real name is Sam.

This is my online diary of the upcoming months until my beauty pageant. Sort of like a “Teen” Miss America.

My mom sort of pushed me into this… kind of. She nudged me and said I can use my so-called “beauty” to get me somewhere. I applied around August of 2004. I was crossing my fingers all the way up into December that I would be a State Finalist. I was looking forward to telling my boyfriend at the time whether I made it or not; I wanted it to be a surprise for him. Well, he broke up with me, and the next day in the mail I received a letter welcoming me to the Hyatt because I just scored a position as a finalist!

I hadn’t told but a few people about this. But, now everyone knows. Although it has been a large portion of my life and time, I have tried my best to keep it a secret until now. It has been a very expensive and stressful ordeal for my family and I; I had to come up with $300 worth of sponsors within 3 weeks the day I received the finalist letter.

I have the sponsors, who I love to death and would thank them a million times for their donations and support. And, I wish for the little children in Ethiopia to like, not starve. And like, world peace FO-EVA! (I am getting way into character… that reminds me, I still need to work on my interviews. And no, I won’t sound like a Valley Girl, I promise).

I hope you enjoy reading about my preparations up until competition!

~Never Miss America

on May 19, 2005
Well...congratulations, again. I knew there was potential with you...but I never thought you'd want to compete in a beauty pagent. Well, a bit of a surprise (You kept it a secret for quite some time.) but I think you've got the stuff to do quite well.

Good luck and just be positive.....but whatever you do, don't go on about world peace and ending world hunger.
