Just a simple little blog about the events preceeding my beauty competition.
Published on June 12, 2005 By never-miss-america In Misc
My next article on this site is not going to be vengeful, angry, or depressing. I will try not to do that anymore… I have had such a pissy mood streak!

I found my dress. It is off-white with designs around the top and plain cream on the bottom.

I think I’ve finally decided that I am going to fix up the skirt part a little to make it more… not plain. I might put a picture of it on here… if I knew how!

My shoulders look massive… very manly. But hey, maybe one day a guy will appreciate his wife being able to do the heavy work with him… instead of doing it by himself.

I am so tan already! I am going to be really dark by the end of summer!

~Never Miss America

on Jun 12, 2005
Ah, congrats on finding the dress! I hope it serves you well.

My shoulders look massive… very manly.

Hah!...My shoulders are manly...yours, well...not so much. Face it, I've got twice the shoulder span you do....
