Just a simple little blog about the events preceeding my beauty competition.
A little about a few days ago.
Published on May 19, 2005 By never-miss-america In Misc
Shopping for the necessities was quite… “interesting” to say the least.

I have to find a dress… an “evening gown” for the formal dress competition. So, I decide to look for the cheapies you find after high school proms are over. I found beautiful dresses on sale… for a whopping $70. And they were returnables! Well, I tried oodles on. Blues, Creams, Purples, Whites… there was even a flipping rainbow one.

The one that I loved… I mean loved… was this white strapless gown with silver glitter designs. (When looking for a gown, you have to bring out your best assets and either cover or boost your worst). Well, this showed off my muscular shoulders (They might even be a little TOO muscular for what they’re looking for though), and clung to my small waistline. And to top it all off, it brought out my chest… which I am in dire supply of! It was perfect.

I was going to get it, I mean, I was that confident. The sales clerk was looking it over and says, “Did you know that there was make-up stain right here?”… I look, and saw it. I hadn’t noticed it when I was trying it on. Shit and a half… I turned and walked away, wondering where in the hell I am going to find a dress like that again…

Then I had a makeover scheduled at a salon over an hour away. Ha- this is a joke.

She gave me a “business” look and a “night” look (both are needed for the competition). The make up was extremely good, and I can honestly say this lady is an artist. I mean, she turned ME into something beautiful! The makeover was surprisingly free, so I bought some of her products as a token of my gratitude.

I went home, spent the next two hours getting the makeup off my face, and then watched old reruns of CSI… life is good.

Still need a dress… I think I will look again in about a week.

Until my next escapade…

~Never Miss America

on May 19, 2005
And to top it all off, it brought out my chest… which I am in dire supply of!

That makes me laugh....*sigh*....your boobs are fine.

Have a fun time searching for that "perfect" dress....

on May 20, 2005
Sam, you will find another dress that will make you look just as beautiful (B/C your already beautiful and don't need a dress to show that!)

~Band Girl~

P.S. How many flippin' sites do you have???????
on May 20, 2005
P.S. How many flippin' sites do you have???????

I was just about to comment that I've never made a comment on your blog before...LOL!

Trying on all those dresses must have been so much fun, and possibly tiring! You seem to know what you're looking for and thats a major plus!

I hope you find that dress soon. Goodluck with the pageant!