Just a simple little blog about the events preceeding my beauty competition.
Don’t you stupid bitches kid yourselves. I am sick and tired of people saying, “You’re beautiful, and you don’t need to be on a diet.” You know what? You are not the one who was abandoned… not knowing what you did wrong! You were never in my shoes, and until you are abandoned by someone you love… you never fucking will be!!

Then, every morning when you stare at your scarred body… you will wish the person who drove you to that to die and rot in hell. Until then… you will never understand how I feel.

I have worn makeup everyday to school since the sixth grade… I wore it all through band camp my freshman year, but not my sophomore band camp (because I thought, wow, someone that actually likes my personality and not my face! Well, I was a stupid mother fucking bitch for believing that.) Well… I am not pretty, even though I wish I was.

I have been conscious about my figure forever… and you know what? Every fucking guy tends to think that thin, skinny, blonde girls are the way to go. I will never be blond, I will never be tall, so the only way I have to go is to be thin. And if starving myself is how I get there… then I will do it. I am on a 1500 calorie a day diet with weightlifting and dancing as my cardio. People wonder why I am so pissed all the time… you try to have a nasty protein drink every day for breakfast.

I have my bellybutton pierced…. Whoo! Let’s everyone make a big deal about it! You know what? I have pierced it myself three times… and with no numbing. I have taken care of it so there is no infection. Try that you stupid bitches.

I am having a breast augmentation when I’m older. Ha- this is coming from the person who said that plastic surgery is not needed and you need to just be yourself. Well… I changed my mind… I need to have a little more chest to attract a man because apparently, personality doesn’t cut it anymore… it’s all in the ta-ta’s.

No guy will ever fall in love with my personality… so if I have a body, maybe I can have a guy stay around a little while longer.

People don’t understand what pressure I have… so, when people look at my scars and then turn their heads and walk away because I said I did it myself, I get kinda pissed. They don’t know what it’s like…

I am so tired.

~Never Miss America

on Jun 09, 2005
You are beautiful, I don't know how many fucking times I have to tell you that! Just because I am your friend, just because I am a girl, you think I won't tell you the truth, you think I won't be honest with you and say something just to make you feel better, and say just what I think you want to hear. I am not that type of person, if I think your ugly I will tell you!

Ok, a guy has never abandoned me, but I have been abandoned by someone I love! Just because it wasn't a guy it doesn't mean I don't understand!

~Band Girl~

I know you won't like some of the things I have said but refer to the second and third sentence. I'm going to tell you how I feel!
on Jun 09, 2005
I believe all I have to say should be in your inbox right now...check your email if you haven't already.

on Jun 09, 2005

I hate to say it, but with an outlook like that, all the silicone in the world won't make a difference!

Trust me when I say it's NOT "all in the ta-ta's"...there are some of us who find superficial attempts to cover up one's real self slightly repugnant.

Diet if you want, but do it for YOU if you're going to do it. Don't do it because of the illusion of capturing that "perfect" man...it won't happen (speaking as a man, NONE of us are perfect. If you find someone who is...RUN! He's selling something!)
on Jun 09, 2005
Ugh. Trust me honey, they aint all that.

am too!!
on Jun 09, 2005
Are fake titties going to help you graduate from medical school or earn a spot on the Marine Corps Band?
on Jun 09, 2005
I may not know you, but I know many eerr...not so physicially attractive people who are nonetheless beautiful. It has to start inside. Low self-esteem can't be repaired with surgery, only bandaged.
To be beautiful on the outside is fleeting, anyway...to be beautiful on the inside is forever.