Just a simple little blog about the events preceeding my beauty competition.
Published on June 2, 2005 By never-miss-america In Misc
I’ll never be smart enough to be a National Scholar

I’ll never play good enough make the United States Marine Corps Band

I’ll never patient enough be a doctor

I’ll never be pretty enough to make the cover of a magazine

I’ll never be thin enough to be claimed as someone’s wife

I’ll never be a calm, laid back person

I’ll never be good enough for anyone

I’ll never be perfect… no matter how hard I try.

~Never EVER Miss America

on Jun 02, 2005
No one is perfect...and no one is so damn picky to demand it from a person. You'll do fine in what you want to do....maybe not perfect, but you'll do a fine job.

on Jun 02, 2005
National Scholar? At least your not an egghead Marine Band? Start your own band Doctor? Plenty of other occupations out there. Magazine? So do something else noticable and get on regardless of your prettiness. Wife? I've seen some rather large wives out there, so if you can walk under your own power you're plenty thin enough Calm? That's fine, is the excited people that get out and do things, making life more exciting for all those around. Good enough? I don't believe you Perfect? Nope, you won't, but since your not Mary Poppins, that's perfectly fine Miss America? Your in good company there, very few people will be miss america, I know I won't be
on Jun 02, 2005
I’ll never be smart enough to be a National Scholar

Me neither. What difference does it make? You don't have to be a National Scholar to have a successful life.

I’ll never play good enough make the United States Marine Corps Band

An honorable goal, and one I'm sure you could reach with dedication and practice, but the Marine Corps Band doesn't determine your worth.

I’ll never patient enough be a doctor

If you choose to be a doctor, you will develop patience with experience and training.

I’ll never be pretty enough to make the cover of a magazine

Magazine covers are for the cookie-cutter girls who devote their entire lives to maintaining their cookie cutter appearance and creating an image. How 'bout being the hottest woman to grace the cover of a medical magazine? That's doable, right?

I’ll never be thin enough to be claimed as someone’s wife

If a man thinks you're not thin enough to be his wife, then you do. not. want to spend your life with him. You don't have to be thin (although you are) to be attractive, and you certainly don't want to live your life in a constant struggle to stay thin enough for some shallow man.

I’ll never be a calm, laid back person

Part of this may be your nature, but it's not something you have no control over. You can work on becoming more calm and laid back, and hell, if you don't, so what? We need some uptight, crazy people in the world.

I’ll never be good enough for anyone

This is crap, and you know it. You're smart, beautiful, talented, and vivacious, and if that's not "good enough," then all the rest of us are screwed cause we have no hope.

I’ll never be perfect… no matter how hard I try.

Stop trying. Just live.